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Amid in a sentence

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Sentence count:179+20Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: aroundSimilar words: midstmidnightat midnightmiddle-classfamilymiddle groundIslamicdynamicMeaning: [əˈmɪd]  prep.1. in the middle of; surrounded by; among: to stand weeping amid the ruins. 2. during; in or throughout the course of.. 
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(31) They lay snug and warm amid the blankets.
(32) Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse.
(33) He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
(33) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(34) He came on stage amid clapping and cheering.
(35) They fled the country, amid accusations of corruption.
(36) The band toured Ireland amid a storm of controversy.
(37) He felt strange amid so many people.
(38) He sat amid the trees.
(39) The new century will begin amid much fanfare worldwide.
(40) The army went forth amid great cheering.
(41) He entered the village almost unobserved amid the general festivity.
(42) Amid indications of growing disorder in the capital, the president is to make a speech on television tonight.
(43) The hotel was in a beautiful position amid lemon groves.
(44) A senior leader cancelled a trip to Britain yesterday amid growing signs of a possible political crisis.
(45) Amid all the claims and counterclaims it was hard to say who was telling the truth.
(46) Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity amid the surrounding chaos.
(47) The party was a haven of quiet amid the noise and bustle of the streets outside.
(48) Amid all the rush and confusion she forgot to say goodbye.
(49) Police launched a nationwide hunt for the woman(, amid fears for her safety.
(50) She left the country amid suggestions that she had stolen from the firm.
(51) The minister has resigned amid continuing controversy over his education proposals.
(52) He had made his point, amid the " hear ! hear! " of his small audience.
(53) The functional modernity of the computer struck a discordant note amid the elegant eighteenth-century furniture.
(54) Six hundred workers there lost their jobs today, amid gloomy predictions that there could be worse to come.
(55) The pound has fallen to a new low amid worries that the British economy is heading for trouble.
(56) They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom.
(57) The house was set amid dense trees and surrounded by an electrified fence.
(58) His resignation passed almost unnoticed amid the furore of the elections.
(59) The chairman resigned amid a storm of publicity over the bonus payments.
(60) Doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.
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