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Expel in a sentence

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Sentence count:77Posted:2016-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: banishdischargedismissdispose ofejecteliminateget rid ofoustoutlawremoveSimilar words: expertexpectexpenseexpectedexpertiseexperienceexperimentexpeditionMeaning: [ɪk'spel]  v. 1. force to leave or move out 2. put out or expel from a place 3. remove from a position or office 4. cause to flee 5. eliminate (substances) from the body. 
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31. To expel ( gas ) noisily from the stomach through the mouth; burp.
32. The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
33. God will judge those outside. " Expel the wicked man from among you. "
34. He managed to expel his nephew and the boy's young mother, St. Elisabeth of Hungary, from the line of succession and ca. 1231 formally succeeded his brother as landgrave.
35. That there is no good way to immediately expel Sandman then?
36. If a separate sterile needle is attached, directly expel the syringe contents as indicated above, and proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions.
37. Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuehrer of the S. S. and the Minister of Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all his state offices.
38. Clause 2:Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
39. Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle and expel air.
40. Which means[], unfortunately that one more slip-up and I have to expel you.
41. Slashing through the sea, planing on their sides and exposing their massive silver-colored flanks, the large females each expel tens of millions of eggs, and the males emit clouds of milt.
42. Do you really think she's gonna expel Two-thirds of the junior class?
43. The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness (we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
44. The regional governor has been given powers to outlaw strikes and expel suspected troublemakers.
45. S. Note how the spherule at the left is bursting to expel its endospores, which grow and continue the infection.
46. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member.
47. Note how the spherule at the left is bursting to expel its endospores, which grow and continue the infection.
48. To expel a current of air as from the mouth or from a bellows.
49. And as the Vatican's chief exorcist, it's his job to expel the devil when someone is possessed.
50. No State Party shall expel, return ("refouler") or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture.
50. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
51. Serena: Do you really think she's gonna expel two-thirds of the junior class?
52. Daily brushing of the skin helps the skin expel toxins.
53. Estabilsh to have down from the diagnosis function, help on time expel the breakdown.
54. I have used the wolfs bane, the black nightshade and the eagle's tear to make the mixture medicament to expel the witch, devil and the tricker away from the palace for you.
55. It has the power to expel companies or dealers believed to be dishonest or insolvent.
56. According to Brody, the Burundian government has a tendency to expel members of the international community.
57. This serves to expel me from every place where I go.
58. He could not expel from his mind the persuasion that he should see Marianne no more.
59. To expel him from the profession is to confirm the worst prejudices of present-day economists by embracing their bobtailed conception of their field.
60. It was the dream of Isabella's life to expel them for ever.
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