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Abbreviate in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2016-12-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abridgecompresscondensecontractcurtailcutreduceshortenAntonym: amplifylengthenSimilar words: deviatealleviatereviewrevisionpreviousalleviationpreviouslyjudicial reviewMeaning: [ə'briːvɪeɪt]  v. 1. shorten 2. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. 
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1. 'Daniel' is often abbreviated to 'Dan'.
2. He abbreviated his first name to Alec.
3. 'Information technology' is usually abbreviated to 'IT'.
4. 'Chief Executive Officer' is abbreviated as 'CEO'.
5. Where appropriate, abbreviated forms are used.
6. 'Di' is the abbreviated form of 'Diane'.
7. The solution is to abbreviate, contract and condense.
8. Is it correct to abbreviate 'Avenue', 'Street' and so on when writing an address on an envelope?
9. And it doesn't abbreviate the term "postposition".
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. If delete, do not weigh, undertake abbreviate to this article.
11. Is this abbreviate in ALD the financial middle finger of retail trade what?
12. Because of its English abbreviate is APEC, also abbreviation is Yapeike.
13. Don't be afraid to abbreviate. You should cut a paragraph here and shorten one there.
14. The abbreviate feeling of beatitude abolished, and she came back home with a torn affection.
15. I like to abbreviate my title since it's easier for human to remember.
16. In abbreviate, aggregate that the boy admired no best abides----except in the man's anamnesis of it.
17. She had lost the power to abbreviate the remaining steps of the way.
18. The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP _ complete problem.
19. It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing.
20. I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember.
21. Michel Foucault , The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK.
22. Orders were passed to the commander at the front in an abbreviated form.
23. Television, it should be remembered, can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature.
24. Also, in writing of events the writer is certain to have to abbreviate any descriptions very sharply.
25. Also , try to avoid abbreviations. If you must abbreviate, use standard abbreviations.
26. Which of these words do you want me to abbreviate for the telegram?
27. Since the entire boldfaced expression in statement (5) appears in many code fragments, I will abbreviate it to TREAT ( ... ) from now on.
28. During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.
29. Dish bird: The meaning of OICQ, do I love the phoneticize abbreviate of Chongqing?
30. Objective : To study the relation between Obstructive sleep apnea hpoventilation syndrome ( abbreviate OSAHS ) and Cardiovascular disease.
More similar words: deviatealleviatereviewrevisionpreviousalleviationpreviouslyjudicial reviewmediateinitiatenegotiateinfuriateimmediateassociateemaciatedenunciatedepreciateinebriatedappreciateconciliaterepatriateassociatedappropriatedifferentiatescrub brushabbotrabbitcrabbysabbaticalflabbergasted
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