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Cathodic in a sentence

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Sentence count:77Posted:2020-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: methodicalmethodicallycathodecathode raycathode-ray tubecathode ray tubecathode ray tubesmethodistMeaning: adj. of or at or pertaining to a cathode. 
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1, There are an anodic peak and a cathodic peak in the cyclic voltammogram of polythionine. Their peak currents increase with increasing temperature.
2, The cathodic reduction of zinc ion occurs with the hydrogen evolution in chloride solutions.
3, The principle of electrodeposition, characteristics of cathodic electrodeposition coatings and resins, and its advantages are introduced.
4, Cathodic polarization curve and cyclic voltammetric curve of sulfate copper plating solution are determined with 1286 electrochemical interface and rotating disc electrode.
5, Cathodic polarization curves of sulphamate basic lead, cadmium and lead - cadmiumelectrolytes were studied.
6, The coating and the cathodic protection are two important parts of buried pipeline system.
7, A sensitive method of oscillopolarography cathodic stripping voltammetry for the determination of Ampicillin and its capsules with carbon stick electrode was established.
8, Monocomponent acrylic cathodic electrophoretic coating was prepared by copolymerization of blocked unsaturated isocyanate and acrylate monomers.
9, Potentiostat, as the impressed current cathodic protection power, has been widely used in underground metallic pipeline anticorrosion.
10, Table listed cathodic current density and average load in different plating solutions, thereby tank size was calculated.
11, A cathodic electrodeposition coatings was prepared employing a polypropylene glycol toughness-enhanced epoxy resin as matrix and acrylic monomers as grafted copolymer.
12, Cathodic active material composition for dry cells, method for preparing the same, and alkaline battery.
13, Today cathodic protection of reinforced concrete is recognised by most authorities as a well-proven solution to corrosion of reinforcement in atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete.
14, Investigations showed that the cathodic polarizations of addition agents are close related to their molecular structure, spatial arrangement,( effect at the surface of the electrode.
15, The cathodic and anodic process of mild steel was studied in the simulating solution within pits.
16, NACE Standard RP 0575 - 95 . Internal Cathodic Protection Systems in Oil Treating Vessels.
17, The system of applied electric current cathodic protection for concrete reinforcing bar painted conductive coating in simulated ocean environment was introduced.
18, The cathodic electrocoating wastewater from automobile painting industry has been treated by direct microfiltration and coagulation-microfiltration processes.
19, Through adding assistant complexing agent and controlling initial current density, cathodic polarization was intensified in cyanide-free electrolyte.
20, The intelligent wireless remote control potentiostat is a high power direct supply for cathodic protection.
21, The effect of additive CTAB on chemical oxidation rates and the effect of externally added H_2O_2 on selectivity of cathodic electrosynthesis have been investigated.
22, On the basis of the laboratory work, the authors present a constant potential control method in the cathodic protection of the terminal beer fermenter.
23, The authors have developed and practised a technique for cathodic protection of metallic structures on sea by using shared anode, individual reference electrodes and multichannel potentiostat.
24, The addition of SO2 promoted the anodic process of corrosion of X70 steel[], increasing of the acidity and temperature of the solution promoted the cathodic process mostly.
25, This paper shows the general characteristics of the photoelectfochemical oscillating behaviours of electrodeposited semiconductor thin films CuInSe2, AgInSe2, AuInSe2 during H2O2 cathodic reduction.
26, Electroless copper depositing processess are controlled by the kinetics of formaldehyde oxidation reaction, which donate electron for the cathodic reduction of cupric ions.
27, A combination of coagulation and microfiltration with zirconia membrane was developed to treat cathodic electrocoating wastewater.
28, Phosphating technology has been developed specifically for use with cathodic electrocoating.
29, The results show that the efficiency of stainless steel flakes and glass flakes to improve the cathodic disbondment was better than that of mica powder.
30, On platinum electrode, linear carbonate DEC, DMC and EMC have similar cathodic reduction behavior, but ring carbonate PC has lower cathodic currents than linear carbonates.
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