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Perky in a sentence

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Sentence count:44Posted:2017-02-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: buoyantchirpySimilar words: murkyjerkclerkknee-jerkMeaning: ['pɜrkɪ /pɜːk-]  adj. characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness. 
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1. That child is a bit too perky!
2. He wasn't quite as perky as normal.
3. He's still in hospital, but he seems quite perky.
4. You look very perky this morning.
5. She hasn't been her usual perky self lately.
6. All sported perky trilbies like Jack the Hat.
7. He sounded like a perky little old man.
8. You're awfully perky this morning, Debbie.
9. Ashworth is certainly out-going and in-thinking, a perky televisual subject.
10. Aboard steps a busker in a perky kiss-me-quick hat with lucky heather stuck in the band, accompanied by a face-painted consort.
11. Mr Spock's ears are distractingly perky and he is apt to panic or, worse, to smile.
12. Henry Perky was the last of a triumvirate of health addicts who helped change the breakfast habits of the continent.
13. Seemingly always perky, the young Jane would swing at the speed of light and win everything on offer.
14. Perky was an enthusiastic amateur musician who played several instruments, his favorite being the violin.
15. A perky Starostin shared in much of the pleasure: he was Spartak's honorary president when he died.
16. Nothing in the script, or Auteuil's perky, craggy face can really tell us.
17. Now Perky as much an evangelist as a merchandiser, proposed to make Shredded Wheat a household word.
18. A perky lady in a Wimbledon green jacket and carrying a clipboard inspects my credential closely.
19. Breastfeeding does perky things to some women's statistics, but it left mine looking like two well-past-their-sell-by-date helium balloons.
20. Steinhardt strayed from pitch in the perky finale of K. 160; cellist David Soyer nibbled at notes.
21. He gave the impression of a perky little high school speaking champ who had just won his first debate.
22. She had perky tits and the best ass.
23. She had a perky[], independent spirit.
24. He couldn't stand Margaret when she was in one of her perky moods.
25. He was back on Monday, with a graze on one cheek and perky as a parrot.
26. A tall, bespectacled figure, his face half concealed by a luxuriant walrus moustache, Perky had enjoyed an extraordinary career.
27. Tom said he is fascinated to learn that her perky personality seemed unchanged in the spirit world.
28. Then, once we got to McDougal Road, he was perky and wanted to talk.
29. What happens is big, manly chords nuzzled up to perky little hooks that can start the most disaffected wall-huggers dancing.
30. Yun Yun is wearing this pair of brand - new travel shoes, feel quite perky.
More similar words: murkyjerkclerkknee-jerk
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