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Whimsical in a sentence

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Sentence count:54Posted:2016-10-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: capriciousimpulsiveSimilar words: musicalbasicallyclassicalphysicallymedicalradicalethicallogicalMeaning: ['hwɪmzɪkl /'w-]  adj. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason. 
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31. It's only a whimsical story for children.
32. You may call my facies whimsical.
33. Mr. Sottsass was known for his playfulness and wit as well as his whimsical ornamentation.
34. Caption :4. Majolica House; Vienna, Austria:Whimsical, singular, and down-right amazing, Otto Wagner's masterpiece is one of the greatest products of the Art Nouveau movement.
35. The novelistic drama perhaps excuses the odd clinical inexactitude , a sense of operative terms being applied with a somewhat whimsical notion of what they entail.
36. It may vary in mood from the whimsical even playfull,[Sentencedict] to the tragic and passionate.
37. This was really a whimsical thought, and I reproved myself often for the simplicity of it.
38. MTR Tung Chung Line to Sunny Bay, Interchange pilotless Disneyland Resort Line. Whimsical Disney - themed trains.
39. The Moravian star, dove and birdcage charms are signature decorative elements that evoke Taylor's whimsical flair.
40. The irony is that Fechner set about this huge mountain of rather hard-headed measurements for quite whimsical reasons.
41. The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.
42. This book brings language to life for children of all ages. It is a delightfully whimsical verse reminiscent of Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" and the works of Dr Seuss.
43. Middle Notes: The signature core of whimsical Red Tulips is surrounded by a velvety array of Rose Absolute, Wild Honeysuckle, Gardenia Petals and a touch of Tuberose.
44. Then I will imitate the fantastic ways of whimsical ladies to their lovers.
45. Judges'Comments : This simple and effective composition helped capture a whimsical moment.
46. The concept of fashion has sometimes been like a star twinkling in the remote distance and sometime been so whimsical[], seemingly within touch but without a handle.
47. This time Scrat is distracted by love, and he and his inamorata, who is also his rival for possession of that acorn, breath whimsical, inventive life into the movie.
48. It may vary in mood from the whimsical, even playful, to the tragic and passionate.
49. Hundreds of these were produced, but the Luttrell Psalter is remarkable for its whimsical, humorous and vivid pictures of rural life and a demonic world that is terrifying and grotesque.
50. Perhaps the lastest implication is " unusual " or " whimsical ".
51. A shifting flock of flamingos assumes a whimsical shape in the Gulf of Mexico.
52. The shop is filled with a whimsical farrago of artwork, antiques, and vintage clothing.
53. President Vladimir Putin's critics seized the moment with alacrity to portray him as a whimsical megalomaniac.
54. Award-winning author Eric A. Kimmel's whimsical retelling of this Rosh Hashanah tale, paired with Jill Weber's charming illustrations, will take readers to a higher place.
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