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Cloy in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2017-03-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: pallsurfeitSimilar words: cloyingalloyployloyalemploydeployemployeremployeeMeaning: [klɔɪ]  v. 1. supply or feed to surfeit 2. cause surfeit through excess though initially pleasing. 
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1. She cloyed her appetite with rich food.
2. Too much sweet food cloys the palate.
3. The pleasures of idleness soon cloy.
4. His acting was passionate, but never cloying or sentimental.
5. She criticized the cloying sentimentality of the film.
6. Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.
7. Cloying speech or sentiment.
8. Her sweet submissive smile began to cloy after a while.
9. I got up, thick-headed, with a cloying mouth.
10. Always so polite with the Archbishop, a fawning, cloying, false man. As lazy as any Negro.
11. This cloying commercial clamour had the New Zealand public wound up.
12. There was a cloying fusty smell rising from below, like drying clothes.
13. They did not tread lightly in the cloying mud(, and deserved victory for a greater variety and directness in attack.
14. Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too many.
15. Chocolates start to cloy if you eat too much.
16. After a while, the rich sauce begins to cloy.
17. Will it ever cloy , this odd diversity of misery and joy?
18. This is a wonderful wine - honeyed and rich without being remotely cloying.
19. As a pie filling it is rich and dark without the cloying and heavy qualities of mincemeat.
20. The close, sweet, bitchy - as far as Alice was concerned - cloying,[] claustrophobic world of women.
21. The novel's plot is interesting, but the dialogue is just too cloying.
22. The chemistry between Russell and Stowe sparky, but mostly good-humoured is off-set against the cloying danger presented by Liotta's character.
23. These deep colours have an oppressiveness which is neither cloying nor mournful but richly potent.
24. Jezrael inhaled freshness, trying to rid her nostrils of that cloying, heavy scent.
25. Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety; other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies.
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