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Fortify in a sentence

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Sentence count:38+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: braceinvigoratereinforcestrengthenSimilar words: mortifycertifynotifyratifyrectifyjustifytestifygratifyMeaning: ['fɔrtɪfaɪ /'fɔːt-]  v. 1. make strong or stronger 2. enclose by or as if by a fortification 3. prepare oneself for a military confrontation 4. add nutrients to 5. add alcohol to (beverages). 
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1. This country will fortify the coastal areas.
2. Have some hot soup to fortify you against the cold.
3. Fortify thyself with contentment: that is an impregnable stronghold. Epictetus 
4. A good munch would fortify us both and united again, we could tackle the trouble ahead as a team.
5. Concrete blocks were piled high to fortify the government center.
6. No, the best he could do was to fortify himself with the Nielson family, and wait a century or two.
7. Early attempts to fortify rice included riboflavin along with the other constituents.
8. He ordered a pot of coffee to fortify himself and stepped into his shower.
9. They decided to fortify the coastal areas.
10. Have some hot soup to fortify you against cold.
11. It'll clear your brain and fortify your skeletal system.
12. We need to fortify the resources of the International Monetary Fund.
13. The bridegroom took a brandy to fortify himself for the ceremony.
14. Fortify, the software testing company recently acquired by HP, works with companies to ensure that applications developed for private data-centers are cloud-ready.
15. Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.
16. Osama used them to fortify the caves that would shelter Arab and Afghan mujahedeen and, after 9/11, himself.
17. Fortify your front ; you'll get your rear shot up.
18. Such inroads as modern culture made into the village tended to fortify this conviction.
19. Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal(, to fortify yourself before your adventure?
20. Would I be willing to call on them to fortify their morale?
21. Functions: Relax the bowels and debar toxic, invigorate the spleen and replenish the kidney, fortify the blood and eliminate blood stasis, reduce fat and cultivate the face.
22. Worship helps you focus on God; fellowship helps you face life's problems; discipleship helps fortify your faith; ministry helps find your talents; evangelism helps fulfill your mission.
23. Any copy of the Licensed Materials is the exclusive property of Fortify.
24. And he sent messengers unto Abimelech privily, saying, Behold, Gaal the son of Ebed and his brethren be come to Shechem; and, behold, they fortify the city against thee.
25. Yes, dearest, your thoughts are similar to ours when we consider the grinding of political power machine which is grating in a last desperate attempt to fortify itself in view of the incoming wave.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Having studied meticulously the mistakes of their predecessors, they take care to avoid repeating them—and make the opposite ones. They fortify Maginot lines.
27. Other veggies reputed to turn up the heat and fortify the body, include: beans, garlic, leeks, onions, parsley, peppers, soybeans, spinach, truffles, turnips and watercress .
28. The place she lives in , her masculine character and Romanism fortify this inclination , which is also proved in her masterpiece , Wuthering Heights .
29. It also produces other vitamins, carotenoids and minerals to fortify staple foods.
30. His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools, fortify parent power and decentralise control.
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